Tuesday 2 June 2009

Calling all GPs who work with adolescents with substance misuse problems

The RCGP SMU have been doing some preliminary work with the NTA Youth Team to look into the sort of training that you might want to support this work.

It has become very clear that, while there are a number of you out there doing it, you are quite isolated from each other.

The RCPsych Young People’ Substance Misuse Psychiatrists Group are working on a “parameters of good practice” for working with this group, and the NTA “Clinical management Guidance for Secure Estates and Community for Young People” are due to published shortly so there is the potential to link this new development in with the publication of these documents.

The SMU have set this blogspot up to hopefully act as a discussion forum for those of you already doing this work, and as a possible opportunity for you to link in with each other, offer mutual support and to share the work you are already doing.

The SMU will act as moderators for the site, and if we becomes aware of new, relevant guidance documents, or training we will post the links here. Otherwise it is up to you, as the users of the site, how busy or useful it is in the longer term

Jo Betterton and Charlie Lowe